Outdated2 years ago
Minecraft Shaders
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How to install
Cyanide Shaders 1.21–1.20is a popular mod for the game Minecraft that enhances the game’s graphics by adding advanced shaders and visual effects. Shaders are modifications that alter the way light, shadows, reflections, and other visual elements are rendered in the game, resulting in a more realistic or stylized appearance.
Cyanide Shaders, specifically, is one of many shader packs available for Minecraft. It was developed by a modder known asmlgimposterand gained popularity for its impressive visuals and wide range of customization options. The mod offers various shader effects, including dynamic lighting, realistic water reflections, motion blur, ambient occlusion, and improved shadows. These effects can greatly enhance the overall atmosphere and visual quality of the game.
It’s important to note that Cyanide Shaders, like other shader mods, requires a powerful computer with a compatible graphics card to run smoothly. Additionally, shader mods can have a significant impact on the game’s performance, so users with less powerful hardware may experience decreased frame rates or other performance issues when using shaders.

How to Install?
The installation guide has been relocated to the installation tab located at the top of the page.
Jump to Installation Tab
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Cyanide Shader Links
Please note the following information:
- Some shaders have not been updated for version 1.21 of Minecraft. However, all shaders have been tested and are confirmed to work correctly in Minecraft 1.21.
- All download links are original and sourced from the creator. We do not host or modify any files. Our role is solely to provide direct links to our users, ensuring security and quality.
- Additionally, you can explore the list of the best Minecraft shaders of all time.
Cyanide v1.1
Optifine Iris
Jun 17, 2024
We have compiled helpful installation guides to ensure correct installation of this shaderpack in your Minecraft. Follow these guides for a seamless installation experience.
Before Installing
Backup Guide
It is strongly advised to create a backup of your Minecraft map before updating the game to new versions to ensure the safety of your progress.
Locate the Folder
Locate your Minecraft installation folder. The default location for the Minecraft folder varies depending on your operating system:
- Windows: %appdata%.minecraft
- Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
- Linux: ~/.minecraft
Make a Copy
Once you’ve found the Minecraft folder, make a copy of it and paste it into a different location, such as an external drive or a backup folder on your computer.
Save and Restore if Necessary
The copied Minecraft folder will serve as your backup. If anything goes wrong during the mod installation process or if you want to revert to the original state, you can replace the modified Minecraft folder with the backup.
Java Installation Guide
Optifine and Forge require Java to be installed on your computer in order to work properly with Minecraft.
Download the Java installer
Visit the official Java website here: On the website, click on the “Download Java” button.
Run the installer
Once the installer is downloaded, locate the file and double-click on it to run it.
How to Install Cyanide Shader with OptifineRECOMMENDED
OptiFine Loader
Required 1.8.8+
- Support Forge / Vanilla
- Shaders Compatibility
- Extra Features
- FPS Boost
- Optimized Textures
Step by Step
Download Optifine:
Download the appropriate version for your Minecraft.
Install Optifine
Once the Optifine file is downloaded, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install it

Download Shaders:
Download the Shader package that is compatible with your Minecraft version.
Jump to Download Section
Launch Minecraft with OptiFine
Open the Minecraft launcher and select the newly installed OptiFine profile to launch the game.

Locate the Shaders option
Once in the game, navigate to the “Options” menu, then select “Video Settings,” and click on “Shaders.”

Install Shaders
In the Shaders menu, you’ll find a “shaderpacks” folder button. Copy the downloaded shader pack’s zip file into this folder.

Enable the shader in Minecraft
You should see the installed shader pack listed in the in-game Shaders menu. Select it to enable the shader.

How to install Cyanide Shader with Iris & Sodium?ALTERNATIVE
Iris Loader
Required 1.16.2+
- Support Fabric / Quilt
- Performance Boost
- Shaders Compatibility
Step by Step
Download Iris:
Download the latest version of the Iris installer.
Install Iris
Locate the downloaded Iris Installer and open it.
Choose installation type:
- Iris Install: Select this option if you don’t plan on using any other mods alongside Iris.
- Fabric Install: Opt for this option if you intend to use Iris with Fabric and other mods. The Iris jar files will be copied to the mods folder within the .minecraft directory.

Download Shader:
Download the Shader package that is compatible with your Minecraft version.
Jump to Download Section
Launch Minecraft
Launch the Minecraft launcher. Choose the profile you decided to install in the previous step.

Install Shaders
Navigate to Options > Video Settings > Shader Packs within the game.

Drag and Drop
You can directly drag and drop the shaders zip file into the Minecraft window to install a shader pack.

Minecraft 1.9.4 ShadersMinecraft 1.8.9 ShadersMinecraft 1.7.10 ShadersMinecraft 1.21 ShadersMinecraft 1.20.6 ShadersMinecraft 1.20.4 ShadersMinecraft 1.20.3 ShadersMinecraft 1.20.2 ShadersMinecraft 1.20.1 ShadersMinecraft 1.20 ShadersMinecraft 1.19.4 ShadersMinecraft 1.19.3 ShadersMinecraft 1.19.2 ShadersMinecraft 1.19.1 ShadersMinecraft 1.19 ShadersMinecraft 1.18.2 ShadersMinecraft 1.18 ShadersMinecraft 1.17.1 ShadersMinecraft 1.17 ShadersMinecraft 1.16.5 ShadersMinecraft 1.15.2 ShadersMinecraft 1.14.4 ShadersMinecraft 1.13.2 ShadersMinecraft 1.12.2 ShadersMinecraft 1.10.2 Shaders
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