Skyward Family Access - Yakima School District 7 (2025)

Our student information system named Skyward allows parents and guardians access to student record information through a feature called Family Access.Family Accessis available to registered users through a web portal that isaccessible on most devices with a web browser. Click on the following link to visitthe portal now, or continue reading belowto register fora Skyward Family Access account.

Skyward Family Access Portal

Resetting Skyward Password

Parents and students, you now have the ability to reset your Skyward password online. You can do so through the "Forgotyour Login/Password?"link on the Skyward login page. Please note that the online password recovery option is only available if you have registered an email address in Skyward. Please contact your child's school if you need assistance with your Skyward account.

Skyward Family Access - Yakima School District 7 (1)

Registering for Skyward

Any legal guardian of a student in the Yakima School District may register for a Skyward Family Access account. Registration requires the submission of a paper form and verification of photo ID at a school office. You may download a copy of the account request form below and return the completed form to your child's school.

(Please note that only one request is required per guardian.)

Skyward Family Access - Yakima School District 7 (2)

Account Request Form (English)

Skyward Family Access - Yakima School District 7 (3)


ParentLink Access

You may optionally sign up for a linked ParentLink accountby providing an email address on your Skyward Family Access account request form. ParentLink allows you to set delivery preferences for our notification system. View information on ParentLink.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I access Skyward in a language other than English?
    Families can use built-in or add-on translation features of their preferred browser to translate Family Access into other languages. For more information on these browser features, please refer to the articles below:
  • Why should I use Family Access?
    Family Access is a web based tool designed to enhance parent/guardian and school communication. Your use of the Family Access website is voluntary.
  • Does Family Access cost money or is there a fee that I have to pay?
    Family Access is provided free as a service of the Yakima School District
  • Can other people see my child's personal information on Family Access?
    Family Access is password protected. As long as you keep your password safe it is highly unlikely that anyone else will be able to access or view your child's personal information.
  • I can't get Family Access to work on my computer; what should I do?
    • Family Access is a web based product, so it should work on your computer so long as you have an internet connection and up-to-date web browser. First, you should check to make sure you have the right Family Access web site address, or URL. You can access the Family Access web portal from the link above.
    • Occasionally, the Family Access web servers may be down for maintenance. If you get an error message, please try again later.
    • If you are still having problems, please contact the school at which your child is enrolled and a staff member will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note that Yakima School District does not support off-site technology or software applications; for computer or software problems, please contact your computer vendor or dealer.
  • When I log on to Family Access, I lose my connection after three to five minutes. Why?
    Family Access has a default security setting that will terminate your connection if your computer is idle for longer than three to five minutes. This feature is designed to protect against unauthorized access and can not be changed.
  • I have forgotten my user name and/or lost my password, what should I do?
    You may use the "Forgot your Login/Password" option on the login page. Please contact the school your child attends to obtain additional support.
  • With all the talk about Internet safety and security, how do I know Family Access is safe?
    Family Access uses Secured Socket Layer (SSL) encryption as the security layer for data presented on the Web. This is the same encryption system used by sites that accept credit card numbers and other personal data that must be secure. The District's Family Access Administrator is responsible for setting security and access to student records, as determined by District procedure. Each individual, whether student, parent, or staff member, must be given a user name and password and be designated as a member of a household linked to a student in order to view Family Access information.
  • What student records are displayed in Family Access, and how long are they kept?
    The Yakima School District may display the following student information in Family Access, however, not all records are displayed at all schools. The length of time records are retained is shown in parenthesis:
    • Attendance information (deleted annually from Family Access; kept on file six years as per state law)
    • Discipline information (deleted annually from Family Access; kept on file for three years as per state law)
    • Student schedule (deleted annually from Family Access; not retained)
    • Student demographic information (retained and kept current on Family Access as long as your student is enrolled in the Yakima School District)
    • Grade information (deleted annually from Family Access; retained one year)
  • Can I get my high school student's transcript through Family Access?
    Unfortunately, transcripts are not available through Family Access. They may be requested, however, from the registrar's office at your child's school.
  • Do I need an email address to use Family Access?
    • No, an email address is not required for the use of Skyward Family Access. Providing an email address does, however, improve our ability to comunicate with you.
    • ParentLink Exception - your Family Access account must have a registered email address in order to link to the ParentLink system.
  • Does changing my delivery preferences in ParentLink change my contact information in Family Access?
    No, you must contact your child's school in order to modify the contact information stored in Family Access.
Skyward Family Access - Yakima School District 7 (4)

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Skyward Family Access - Yakima School District 7 (2025)
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