Spitlings Videogame (2024)

1. Spitlings kopen - Xbox.com

  • Spitlings is een chaotisch actie-arcadespel voor één tot vier spelers. Het geeft u de controle over de titulaire Spitlings: charmante rechthoekige wezens ...

  • Spitlings is een chaotisch actie-arcadespel voor één tot vier spelers. Het geeft u de controle over de titulaire Spitlings: charmante rechthoekige wezens met tanden die ze op bubbels kunnen spugen of gebruiken om te springen! Uw doel is eenvoudig, maar moeilijk te bereiken: verwijder alle bubbels die op het scherm stuiteren!

2. Spitlings - PlayStation Store

  • Zodra u spuugt, kunt u niet stoppen! Spitlings is een chaotisch actie-arcadespel voor één tot vier spelers. Het geeft u de controle over de titulaire ...

  • Spitlings is een chaotisch actie-arcadespel voor één tot vier spelers.

3. Spitlings | Nintendo Switch download software | Games

  • 4 aug 2020 · Spitlings is een schattige maar extreme arcadegame Speel de honderden levels lokaal of online met vrienden. Speel nieuwe muzieknummers, unieke ...

  • Spitlings is een schattige maar extreme arcadegame Speel de honderden levels lokaal of online met vrienden.

Spitlings | Nintendo Switch download software | Games

4. Spitlings | Cute but Hardcore Arcade Game | HandyGames™

Spitlings | Cute but Hardcore Arcade Game | HandyGames™

5. Review: Spitlings - NWTV

  • 13 aug 2020 · Voor deze review is Spitlings gespeeld op de PlayStation 4. De game is ook verkrijgbaar voor Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, pc en Google Stadia.

  • In Spitlings moet je het kwaadaardige slijm verwijderen dat jouw stad heeft overspoeld en dat doe je door erop te spugen. Lees hier onze review.

Review: Spitlings - NWTV

6. Spitlings Reviews - OpenCritic

  • Spitlings is rated 'Fair' after being reviewed by 15 critics, with an overall average score of 73. It's ranked in the top 49% of games and recommended...

  • Spitlings is rated 'Fair' after being reviewed by 15 critics, with an overall average score of 73. It's ranked in the top 49% of games and recommended by 33% of critics.

Spitlings Reviews - OpenCritic

7. Spitlings - Codex Gamicus - Fandom

  • Spitlings is an arcade game developed by Massive Miniteam and published by HandyGames. It was released on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, ...

  • Spitlings is an arcade game developed by Massive Miniteam and published by HandyGames. It was released on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia and on Steam for Microsoft Windows on August 4, 2020. In this action arcade game, one to four players can waggle through a gauntlet of bouncy bubbles. The player(s) control the titular Spitlings, which are charming rectangular creatures with teeth they can spit at bubbles or use to jump. The objective of this game is to get rid of a

Spitlings - Codex Gamicus - Fandom

8. SPITLINGS - Gamerthor US ❤️

  • Steam. Frantic Gameplay, Juicy Visuals, Hypnotic Beats: SPITLINGS is a cute but unforgiving Hardcore Arcade Game for 1 - 4 players in which you waggle ...

  • Genre

9. Spitlings (PC) Co-Op Information - Co-Optimus

  • Co-Op gameplay information about Spitlings on PC. Find co-op news, reviews, and more info about this game. All modes (Story, Arcade, and Level Editor) can ...

  • Co-Op Features in the PC Version

Spitlings (PC) Co-Op Information - Co-Optimus

10. Spitlings Review - PlayStation 4 - ThisGenGaming

  • 15 aug 2020 · It's a chaotic action arcade game that supports 1-4 players either locally or online. Is it worth your time as a solo player or with friends?

  • Indie games have been one of my go to sources for games to play with my family over the last generation. Spitlings from publisher HandyGames and developer Massive Miniteam is the latest one to come across my radar. It’s a chaotic action arcade game that supports 1-4 players either locally or online. Is it worth your time as a solo player or with friends? Spitlings are the little creatures you play as in this game and they are best described as cute little rectangular figures that spit out teeth in order to defeat enemies and to get a boost. Yeah that sounds pretty ridiculous I know. The game has a single-player mode but it alone wouldn’t be worth recommending this game for. It basically follows a few of the Spitlings as they try to retake their hometown from goop bubbles that have taken it over. The story is told through colorful comic book panels that are drawn pretty well and help give the mode some purpose. Each of the 100+ stages in the game consists of a single screen where you have to eliminate the bubbles to pass. To do this you have to spit your teeth upwards at them but you only have so many you can spit out. You can gain some back by picking them up from around the stage or by remaining still for a period of time. You can also give yourself a jump boost by spitting your teeth downwards. Enemies can kill you in one hit and as you attack them, they can sometimes split into multiple smaller versions. This means you constantly have to be aware as to not die which you wi...

Spitlings Review - PlayStation 4 - ThisGenGaming

11. Spitlings - ESRB Ratings

  • Family Gaming Guide. A user-friendly guide to help provide you with the key information you need to manage your kids' video game experiences ...

  • Spitlings - Everyone - This is an arcade-style action game in which players control one of four rectangular monsters to clear levels of bouncing pink blobs.

Spitlings - ESRB Ratings

12. Spitlings (Xbox Games UK) Kopen | Directe Levering - MTCGAME

  • Recharge Spitlings (Xbox Games UK) Code cheapest price. Spitlings (Xbox Games UK) redeem code or Top Up. Looking for gift cards? Buy Spitlings (Xbox Games ...

  • Recharge Spitlings (Xbox Games UK) Code cheapest price. Spitlings (Xbox Games UK) redeem code or Top Up. Looking for gift cards? Buy Spitlings (Xbox Games UK) redeem code instantly your code or Top Up. You can use the redeem code you received instantly Spitlings (Xbox Games UK) Shop

Spitlings Videogame (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Last Updated:

Views: 6450

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.